Scoop Quick Start Guide

Scoop makes installing apps on Windows as easy as homebrew or apt.


Windows 10 has everything installed that you need to get started. If you are running an older version of Windows, check the requirements.

PowerShell needs permission to execute scripts. To grant it that permission, run the command below in PowerShell.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser    


To install scoop, use this command.

iwr -useb | iex    

Scoop is installed in your User folder by default. To install elsewhere, refer to the official installation instructions.


To find an application, use the search command.

scoop search wget  

Install an application with the install command.

scoop install git  

Scoop collects different types of applications together in buckets. The default bucket is limited to non-GUI developer tools. To expand the number of applications available, consider adding the extras bucket.

scoop bucket add extras  

Learn More

To see more of what scoop can do, run the help command.

scoop help  

For more extensive help, see the Wiki.